1/3 Of Humanity Has Never Had The Chance To Know Jesus

Help me bring awareness and support to local ministries in the Middle East and within the 10/40 window, the area of the world where the least amount of missionaries are sent, and where the largest need is for missions.

The Task At Hand

The Desperate Need For Missions Within The 10/40 Window

Two-thirds of the world’s population — 4 billion people — live in the 10/40 Window.

  1. 95% of these 4 billion people are unevangelized.

  2. Only $1 out of every $100 spent on missions globally is directed toward the 10/40 Window. That’s very low compared to the need!

  3. In many of the 69 nations, witnessing the Christian Gospel is illegal and will result in imprisonment or death.

  4. 45 of the 50 worst countries in the world for persecution of Christians are in the 10/40 Window.

  5. Child prostitution and child slavery run rampant in many of these nations.

  6. Horrific abuse of women and children remains unchecked, including an epidemic of pedophilia.

  7. A majority of every major non-Christian religion – Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Animism, Atheism, and Sikhism – is headquartered in the 10/40 Window. 

Statistics are from

  • https://joshuaproject.net/

  • https://www.thetravelingteam.org/

  • https://www.globalprn.com/

  • https://www.win1040.org/

    For More Resources, Contact Me.

What to Pray For Regarding the 10/40 Window

  • For the people within the 10/40 to continue to have dreams and visions about Jesus and for it to continue to cause a massive wave of people running to Jesus and away from their previous beliefs.

  • For Christians in America to receive a burden from the Holy Spirit to become missionaries within the 10/40 Window.

  • For men specifically to receive a burden to become missionaries. (3 out of 4 missionaries are women)

  • For the Lord to open up countries in the 10/40 window that are closed off to missionaries.

  • For the stronghold of Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism to be broken over the 10/40 window and for people to seek Jesus.

  • For protection over all the Christians in the 10/40 window that are being persecuted every day.

  • For an increase of awareness not only to the financial need of local churches within the 10/40 window but for the finances needed to support ministries and missionaries going to and currently in the 10/40 window.


We Must Continue To Work To Support The Local Churches Within The 10/40 Window.

The Burden and Need

The 10/40 window is the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia between 10 degrees and 40 degrees north latitude. As you saw in the statistics above, there is dire need for missions in that part of the world. The 10/40 Window contains most of the worlds Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists. Matthew 28:18-20 instructs us to reach the world with the Gospel and these countries are among the most in need of the Gospel and with the least support extended to them to ever hear the Gospel. The need in that part of the world is all encompassing and my heart has broken over some of these statistics and the need in these countries.   For this next season of my life I can say with certainty that the Lord wants me to go to these countries and see and understand what is happening to his church there, how Jesus is comforting His church and what God is building. My mission is to go to the countries in the 10/40 window and meet with their local churches and form relationships and offer support for their churches to further what God is doing and wanting to do in these countries amidst the persecution they go through.                                                                       

I am also pursuing God’s heart for Israel. This comes from a burden I received from the Lord regarding the Jewish nation and Jesus’ return. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem in Matthew 23:37 due to their rejection of God, however this does not indicate His cutting off of Jerusalem but instead Jesus says Jerusalem will not see Him again “Until” they accept Him and say “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” That means there will be a day when Jerusalem will welcome Jesus back. Paul tells us in Romans 11:11 that one of the reasons the Gospel has come to the Gentiles in the way it has was to bring jealousy from the Jewish people about their God. In the next verse Paul explains to the church in Rome that since the Jewish people's rejection of God brought salvation to the Gentiles in the way it has, how many more blessings would their acceptance bring? (Romans 11:12) However this is not something we can force like the Church has tried to do in the past, but is something that only God can do. Later on in that chapter, in Romans 11:26, Paul tells us very plainly that all of Israel will be saved, isn’t that an amazing promise! God is already moving magnificently among the Jewish people with more Jewish people who believe in Jesus in Israel than ever before and more young Jewish people hearing about the Gospel than ever before. Even though we have made progress in these countries there is still so much work to be done. 

My Response

Through much prayer, fasting and many divine appointments, a vision was born within myself and a close friend. That vision is forming into a ministry called Messiah Movement. Though we have multiple exciting objectives and goals, we are only on the starting line. Our first step is establishing relationships with Christians living in and building the church in Israel, both Messianic Jewish believers as well as Arab Christians. Through these relationships we can get a better understanding of what God is doing in Israel and how we can support the local leaders. The Lord has already given us sovereign connections to many leaders in Israel.

Partnering with local leaders and ministries in Israel includes: 

  • Humanitarian aid

  • Assisting refugees relocating to Israel from other countries

  • Supporting struggling churches and ministries financially or with short-term volunteering

  • Helping American Christians understand God’s heart for Israel and developing in them a burden for the nation through short term trips and media.

Through the support of many people who have bought into the vision to support the church in the nation of Israel I was given the opportunity to actually go to Israel for the first time for a month in May 2023 - June 2023. It was an amazing experience and the Lord opened many doors divinely and continued to pour a foundation for me in regards to what he wants to me to in that nation. I met many Christian leaders and was able to encourage them and ask how I could serve them, this included helping in soup kitchens, handing out food to those in need and encouraging local Christians and Christian leaders who need prayer and support. I cannot wait to see what God continues to do in the future with me in Israel.

Apart from Israel, the Lord is bringing me to other countries in the 10/40 window as well. I know of a ministry that has houses of prayer all over the Middle East and I am currently in the process of entering into a 10 month long program to connect with what the Lord is doing in the 10/40 window through them. I am also confident that the Lord will open up new doors into more countries to be able to connect these vital ministries who may need support in order to keep doing the Lords work to ministries who can give, like many of the churches in America. We will build the church in the 10/40 window, and the gates of hell will not prevail!

The Ways You Can Respond

  • Pray For Me

Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:9-13 to pray for His will to be done and that’s what I desire during my time overseas. We are also told to pray unceasingly, so be in consistent prayer and intercession over me and my time within the 10/40 window as persecution is real and active in many of those countries. I have some prayer lists to allow you to pray targeted prayers and to keep them within your prayer life and they can be found in the prayer section of this site. 

  • Pray For His Harvest

In Matthew 9:36-38 we are taught that although the harvest for the Gospel is plentiful, there are few laborers. Jesus then tells us to PRAY for the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers amongst HIS harvest. So make this a part of your prayer life, that in the same way that the Lord is sending me forth amongst his harvest where the greatest need is, pray that the Lord of the Harvest would send forth more laborers amongst his harvest and that the Gospel would take hold and be a stronghold amongst the nations.

  • Supporting me Financially

When it comes to supporting the mission financially, we are taught in 2nd Corinthians to be cheerful givers, and to give from our heart whether that means giving sparingly or bountifully. That is why I ask you do not give out of obligation but out of a desire to support this mission. If you do decide to give, first, take it to prayer and ask the Lord how He wants you to give, and how much. Let the Lord speak to you on giving and do not give if you do not have a burden either for me or this mission. I would rather you not give at all because instead I would much rather you find a different mission that burdens you and for you to give there instead. If you do decide to support me in this mission, you will be partnering with me and the Lord as I pursue this mission. You will be supporting me as I live and travel to the nations and updates will be given through videos and pictures on my social media along with emails through which you can join the email list below. I know I will be provided for because those who proclaim the Gospel will be provided for by the Gospel. (1 Corinthians 9:14)

You can support me through the donation section below through a one-time gift. No matter how much you may give or do I want to emphasize the need of taking it to the Lord and making sure the Lord’s blessing is on it. Also, all funds that are given will be going to a missions account and will only be used towards expenses that are associated with missions. Thank you for your prayers and giving and if you have any more questions or want to get in contact with me, I have a form below to contact me. All donations and expenses will be made public with those who have decided to invest in the mission and so that they can see where 100% of their money is going.

  • Go With Me

If this has also burdened you to an extent of giving yourself up to missions or at least exploring it, please contact me below so we can discuss that and I can get you in contact with organizations to help, we are all given the opportunity to be sent based on Matthew 28:18-20 and if you feel a desire to respond personally that is an amazing thing.

The Best Thing You Can Do Is Pray

The most impactful support I could receive during this season is not just through giving, but through being covered in prayer. Not only for protection but also to be used by the Lord to preach the Gospel and let the conviction of sin come upon those who have never heard it. To walk through doors people have not been able to walk through before through the grace of God and His favor.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5, "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

The 10/40 window deals with some of the most demonic strongholds in the world and that is affirmed by the horrible persecution that most of the Christians within those countries deal with. So, please keep me in prayer that I will be continually covered by the Lord and will accomplish the mission that God has sent me there to do. There is a lot to do, but even more prayer, fasting and breakthrough to be accomplished. 

Ephesians 6:11-12, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

Download These Prayer Cards And Pray Targeted Prayers!

If You Desire To Support Financially

2nd Corinthians 9:7 - “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

The Gospel teaches faith, and I know that the Lord will provide funds for me to be sent out among the nations. If you have been burdened by my explanation of what has brought me to this point today but do not necessarily feel a call to go out yourself then I encourage you to ask the Lord why you felt a burden in the first place. Does God want you to engage in prayer over this mission, does he want you to engage in financial support over this mission or both?

Only you and God can figure that out. However if you do decide to sow into this vision and partner with me on this I will be forever grateful and I know God will return the blessing to you 100 fold. What I am attempting to do will cost quite a bit due to the fact that I will be doing consistent trips but I know that Jehovah Jireh will provide.

If you have decided to support me financially you can give directly on this site through the donation section right here. I ask that you take it to the Lord and ask Him to direct your giving. Once again thank you so much for supporting this vision and I am excited to partner with you on this journey.

You Can Donate Below!

If you desire to partner with me Monthly on this journey, please contact me for more information.

You Can Also Give Through Venmo or Paypal!

*Emails that are given through the donation process will be used to give continual updates through the newsletter unless otherwise directed.

Upcoming Trips

I will be joining Maps Globals Frontier Missions School for 10 months, where I will be learning about Global Missions, the Intercession and Prayer movement and towards the end of the program I will be sent to live within the 10/40 window for a 3 month placement.

Frontier Missions School

(Maps Global)

August 2023 - May 2024

Contact Me Below!